Vitamin D Deficiency and Early Implant Failure

Vitamin D Deficiency and Early Implant Failure: Outcomes from a Pre-surgical Supplementation Program on Vitamin D Levels and Antioxidant Scores When a dental implant is placed into living tissue, it is important to note that the first cell type coming into contact with any implanted biomaterial are immune cells. These cells then dictate the fate […]
The importance of the dental consultation, CBCT and liquid biopsy – complementary exams that can change the modus operandi of cancer treatment, an aid for early diagnosis and to prevent recurrence

The process of dental detoxification, which we understand as the elimination of oral inflammation, whether cysts, cavitations, or even gum inflammation, is of extreme importance not only in the treatment and prevention of cancer, but also in the maintenance of overall health. Normally, the doctor sees a body without a mouth, while most dentists see […]
“Digital does not improve mistakes, it highlights them.”

Miguel Stanley, director of the White Clinic and vice-president of the Digital Dentistry Society “I don’t believe that technology makes a dentist a better dentist.” These words belong to Miguel Stanley, founder and director of White Clinic, recognised as a pioneer in clinical implementation in various areas of advanced technologies, and for whom the idea […]
Organic dentistry

In the last decade, we’ve seen the food industry change the way it markets what we consume. Nowadays there is much more concern about how our food is produced, packaged and distributed, and the whole organic food industry, free of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and pesticides has really impacted this process. We even have supermarkets […]