Dr. Miguel Stanley was interviewed by People of Lisbon

People of Lisbon is dedicated to meeting and interviewing the city’s most interesting people, and their most recent episode is all about Dr. Miguel Stanley. Our founder and clinical director’s story was the subject of a very casual and interesting chat. 

The team behind the project People of Lisbon recently interviewed Dr. Miguel Stanley right here at the White Clinic. With the goal of getting to know Lisbon, one person at a time, Dr. Miguel Stanley openly shared bits of his story, both professional and personal, and the conversation covered everything from our work here at the White Clinic to healing through dentistry, from the future of health and the importance of continuous education, to how Dr. Stanley became a renowned public speaker… and even his worst habit!

Now you can be a part of Dr. Miguel Stanley’s story too – hope you enjoy the interview as much as we did!

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