What does sleep apnea have to do with oral health?

Our sleep is constantly being compromised, which in turn compromises our daily life. We easily accept the fact that we’re poor sleepers, unlucky snorers and simply have bad nights. What we need to do is question why we’re not getting the shut-eye we deserve, and understand if sleep apnea is the culprit.

Dental Check-up Podcast: a preview of the Young Dentists Forum WDC24

Our founder, Dr. Miguel Stanley, was recently invited to participate in the FDI Dental Check-up podcast, hosted by Kelly Hoey and alongside dental student, Sanika Shorey, where the spotlight is focused on all things dentistry and health, where oral healthcare is discussed openly and passionately.

Zero trauma dentistry = laser dentistry

When you think of your upcoming dental appointment, does just the thought of the drilling sound make you anxious? We completely understand and that’s why reducing dental phobia one appointment at a time is part of the White Clinic mission. To help us help you, we count on state-of-the-art lasers for stress-free, pain-free treatments. A new era of zero trauma dentistry has begun and is here to stay with laser dentistry.

Our work methodology: the 7 Ts Treatment Concept

With 24 years of experience in diagnosing, analysing and treating complex oral health problems, most of which are deeply connected to general health issues, at the White Clinic we use a simple treatment philosophy that ensures comprehensive results. It all starts and ends with the 7 Ts – Test, Target, Think, Talk, Treat, Transform, Thrive.

Simple tests & treatments for optimal health

We understand that systemic health is connected to oral health and choosing to improve your overall health, both physically and mentally, while perfecting your smile is the ideal way to keep your general wellbeing up to speed and boost longevity. And it can be as easy as running a few simple tests, followed by the […]

The importance of medical care after amalgam removal and bone cavitation removal

Prompt treatment through supplements for chelation and bone support after amalgam removal, as well as after dental cavitation surgery, leads to a significantly more positive success rate in patients. This has been demonstrated in clinical and scientific investigation studies. These types of protocols are unknown to most dentists. It is important that professionals in the […]

The importance of oral health in systemic health: commentary by Dr. Daniela Fontes

For this essay, our guest is Dr. Daniela Fontes, an anaesthesiologist who later dedicated herself to integrative functional medicine, initially for personal reasons, but which eventually led to her professional career. Here, she shares her personal experience, where dentistry played an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of general health. Dr. Daniela Fontes, in […]

Dental treatment in sleep-related breathing disorders

The treatment of sleep disorders is an area that is expanding in medical care and physicians are currently placing more importance on sleep as a primary or secondary risk factor for many systemic conditions. In addition, dentists have been participating in the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders, and this article aims to review the […]