Pediatric Facial Growth & Airway Health Assessment

Pediatric Facial Growth & Airway Health Assessment

Helping kids breathe easily

Dentists & Pediatric Health

Dentists are the gatekeepers of the oral cavity and play a critical role in ensuring overall health and wellness because, as we know and science has proved again and again, the link between oral health and general health is undeniable. This is even more important when it comes to growing kids. Which is why we aim to provide conditions for proper and healthy development, and we do this in two ways: by paying attention and by eliminating barriers that may prevent correct development. Comprised by dentists, orthodontists and other specialists, our Pediatric Facial Growth & Airway Health team is 100% dedicated to your children.

Does your kid?

Snore and/or can you hear them breathe?
Wake up frequently at night or get really tired during the day?
Grind their teeth?
Have crooked teeth?
Exhibit hyperactivity and/or have difficulty focusing?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, you should consider a Pediatric Facial Growth & Airway Health Assessment for your child.

What kind of problems do we want to address?

Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB)

These disorders are characterised by disruptions in normal breathing patterns during sleep.

Altered oxygen delivery has various systemic health implications.

9 out of 10 children will have one or more symptoms of Sleep Disordered Breathing.

Improper Oral Habits

Mouth breathing
Improper swallow
Improper tongue posture


Improper pronunciation


Enlarged tonsils & adenoids


Improper Oral Habits

Mouth breathing
Improper swallow
Improper tongue posture


Improper pronunciation


Enlarged tonsils & adenoids


Growth and Development

Growth of the lower jaw in a downward instead of forward direction

Narrow arches and crossbites, open bites 

Overjet and mandibular underdevelopment

Collapse of the oropharyngeal breathing space

If you have children aged 2-12, consider our Pediatric Facial Growth & Airway Health Assessment.

Bbite is the key to Pediatric Facial Growth & Airway Health

Top-of-the-line appliance accessible at White Clinic

When we see signs that sleep, breathing, or growth is off track in our youngest patients, we can and should act immediately. Starting with a Pediatric Facial Growth & Airway Health Assessment, and by correcting growth patterns and habits early on, we may prevent or even resolve many oral and systemic health issues. And how do we do this? With the help of Bbite.

What is Bbite?

Bbite, a top-of-the-line appliance available at our dental clinic in Lisbon, is a soft removable oral appliance that is designed to eliminate or improve bad oral habits, as well as other problems such as Sleep Disordered Breathing or Growth and Development issues, which may be hindering optimal dental health and even the child’s overall wellbeing.

The Bbite appliance targets specific and fundamental action areas within the mouth:

  • Develops tongue strength and reinforces the proper position of the tongue.
  • Provides a better balance of the tongue with the roof of the mouth, assisting in a more natural expansion of the jaw and dental arches to properly position the teeth and jaws.

  • Supports the development of a proper lip seal to restore the benefits of nasal breathing.

The Bbite appliance

What does the Bbite appliance manage?

Benefits of Bbite

Improves facial growth patterns and pre-orthodontic tooth positioning

Retrains inadequate
mouth breathing

Increases quality nasal breathing and contributes to better sleep*

Replaces and corrects poor oral habits (prolonged dummy use, thumb-sucking, etc.)

Addresses speech delays or difficulties

Boosts immune system


ADHD & Hyperactivity Symptoms
Depression or Aggressive Behaviour
Snoring & Teeth Grinding
Tonsil & Adenoid Hypertrophy
Allergies & Asthma
Hormone imbalances causing bedwetting or failure to thrive
ADHD & Hyperactivity Symptoms
Depression or Aggressive Behaviour
Tonsil & Adenoid Hypertrophy
Allergies & Asthma

Snoring & Teeth Grinding

Hormone imbalances causing bedwetting or failure to thrive


Book now for a complete pediatric facial growth and airway health assessment.

(*) Mandatory fields

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Pediatric Facial Growth & Airway Health