Healing the body through the mouth

Connecting oral health & general health, starting with the mouth.

Focused on guaranteeing a pleasant and extremely comfortable experience in the dental chair since day one, our approach to dentistry has always been biological. In fact, it has always been human. And it’s only human that we offer, and that patients benefit from anxiety-free, pain-free dentistry. Biological Dentistry goes above and beyond, it allows you take complete control of your health. It allows you to deeply understand that when we treat the mouth and the body as one, we ensure our health as a whole.

What is Biological Dentistry?

It is next level dentistry. It is also known as holistic, integrative and functional dentistry. Why? Because the mouth and the body are so intrinsically and deeply connected that oral healthcare must go beyond mechanical and aesthetic issues, and also focus on the immune system, the neuropathic system, and systemic health. It is a form of advanced dentistry that has a profound understanding that our teeth and supporting bone are highly connected to our brain and the rest of our body. 


If the mouth is sick, the body will most likely be sick – this stems from chronic inflammation and infections around poorly treated teeth that can go as far back as 50 years. Unfortunately, many of these problems never cause pain, which means patients don’t even know there is a problem in their mouth, even though they may be experiencing other health issues as a result of this. Plus, most physicians and dentists overlook this crucial connection.


As well-trained biological dentists, we are focused on the immune system and neurological activity, and are supported by state-of-the-art technology, bio-friendly materials and sustainable treatments, that will not only detect the source of inflammation or infection in the mouth, but will help you heal in more ways than one.

The mouth-body-mind triade.
The wellness reconnection.

Healthy smile, healthy body.

Principles of Biological Dentistry

What is a biological dentist?

See the difference?
Here, you’ll feel the difference.

Biological Dentistry is metal-free and non-toxic

A biological dentistry clinic is a safe, non-toxic, metal-free environment, where safety and hygiene protocols are extremely rigorous. As a Slow Dentistry certified clinic, we take things even further. The removal of amalgams follows a procedure involving high-speed aspiration, masks, and rubber-specific goggles to ensure that nothing is aspirated through the airways or eyes, making sure that mercury does not enter the body. Each year the oceans are more polluted with this highly toxic material – we have been using a specific solution to filter this material and prevent it from entering the sewage system for over two decades now.


During our interventions, all metals are safely removed and replaced with biocompatible materials, as well as failed endodontic treatments, foreign bodies, and infections in the bone (such as FDOJ – Fatty Degenerative Osteomyelitis of the Jaw or NICO – Neuralgia Inducing Cavitational Osteonecrosis). We use advanced HEPA filters to ensure no toxic particles are inhaled.


All these interventions are done safely after a detailed diagnosis with the help of technologies such as CBCT, epigenetic tests and other complementary diagnostic tests, such as blood and intolerance tests (Melisa test, A.R.T. – Autonomous Response Testing, among others).

The Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique – SMART

We follow the International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology (IAOMT) protocol recommendations for amalgam removal, which is known as the Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique – SMART. Based on up-to-date scientific research, we follow rigorous guidelines for removing existing dental mercury amalgam fillings to assist in reducing the potential negative outcomes of mercury exposure to patients, dental professionals, dental students, office staff, and others. We have been mercury-free and mercury-safe for 25 years.

It is our privilege and our responsibility to provide you with the best care possible. Your health depends on it.

Biological Dentistry & Ceramic Implants

Our superior diagnostic tools and dental technology allow us to identify the presence of lesions in the oral cavity that may be damaging other organs, given that meridians in our body cross the oral cavity and are activated daily by 15,000 dental contact points. It is for this reason that the tooth position and its corresponding meridian should be activated by a healthy tooth or at least by a non-metallic zirconia (ceramic) implant.


Ceramic implants, also known as zirconium oxide implants, are an excellent choice for dental rehabilitation because they are composed of zirconium oxide, a biocompatible and bio-inert material capable of establishing a functional connection with living bone. Since the ceramic implant is developed using the latest technology, it limits the possibility of corrosion stress, as well as eliminating the possibility of allergy or intolerance. We only use superior Swiss-made implants and from companies that have never made titanium. 

Do you have symptoms your doctors can’t diagnose?

Mouth misery? Tooth trouble? Other hard to diagnose physical symptoms? If your mouth is a mess, it’s most certain that your body will be too. Whatever is disrupting your oral health will directly affect your general health and sometimes in very surprising ways. These are just some of the general health issues that may be directly linked to oral health problems:

Autoimmune diseases

Cardiac arrhythmia

Chronic fatigue

Chronic inflammation

Chronic sinusitis

Chronic illness

Gynaecological disorders

Inflammation-related diseases

Joint pain

Heart diseases

Low energy levels

Persistent Coughing

Lyme Disease

Macular degeneration



Hair loss

Hearing loss

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)


Skin Rashes

Spider veins


Circulatory disorders

Biological Dentistry syncs your oral health and your general health, boosting overall wellbeing.

How? We start with the most comprehensive first consultation in the world.

Our simple treatment philosophy








Superior oral health, stronger you

When the mouth is connected to the body and both are treated biologically, everything falls into place. Once inflammation, toxicity and infection are removed from the mouth, function and form is restored, overall health and wellbeing is boosted, smiles and confidence return. We’ve helped thousands of patients regain vitality, energy and systemic health after removing and treating all interferences from the mouth.


Biological speaking, it is only when you take complete control of your health that you experience the ultimate form of healing. And the ultimate form of living.


Transform your oral health with our biological appointment – book now.

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