Sleep Apnea Quiz.
Test your sleep wellness

Sleep Apnea Quiz.
Test your sleep wellness

This test is not a diagnostic tool, but it will help you and our team get a better understanding of your level of sleep wellness, of the quality of your sleep cycle and if you should be worried about sleep apnea. It’s also the first step to getting you back to deep, restful sleep.

    Name (*)

    Email (*)

    Do you snore frequently and/or loudly? (*)

    Has anyone observed gasping or choking sounds while you sleep? (*)

    Has anyone observed that you stop breathing while you sleep? (*)

    Do you wake up frequently during the night? (*)

    Do you have or have you had high blood pressure in the past? (*)

    Do you wake up feeling lethargic or with a headache even if you’ve slept for an adequate number of hours? (*)

    Do you wake up with a dry mouth/scratchy throat? (*)

    Do you feel tired, sleepy or with low energy during the day? (*)

    Do you doze off easily during the day? (*)

    Do you dread going to bed at night? (*)

    Are you aged 50 or over? (*)

    Are you male? (*)

    If you’ve answered YES to 5 or more questions, your sleep wellness should be assessed by a medical professional. You may be at risk for sleep apnea and, in addition to compromising your rest, if left untreated it can originate other serious health issues.

    (*) Mandatory fields

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